About Abraham Atem Foundation
Abraham Atem Foundation (AAF) aims to provide the essential elements to improve the standard of living for women and girls and foster community development in South Sudan.
- Quality education
- Vocational / livelihood skills
- Basic human rights
With these, people can and will stand up to take a central role in transforming their lives and communities.
Without these, countless South Sudanese girls and women are destined to live unproductive lives in poverty, enduring food insecurity, hopelessness, and apathy, lacking functional capabilities and essential livelihood skills, and living in communities divided by tribalism.
While daunting, Abraham Atem Foundation is helping women and girls of South Sudan and their families overcome these challenges.

Scholarship recipients
We are uniquely positioned for success
- Our founder’s experiences overcoming unimaginable hardships
- Technological advances
- Successful program frameworks
- Community role models
- Communities of people eager to change their destiny and committed to making the most of every opportunity they have to improve their future and that of their children
Abraham Atem founded Abraham Atem Foundation (AAF) on the premise that the overall progress of a community or nation depends largely on its ability to include women and girls in the development process. Abraham Atem Foundation, founded in 2021, is a 501(c)(3). non-profit organization based near Seattle, Washington, USA.
Provide education, support, and resources to vulnerable girls and women in rural and urban South Sudan. This will empower them and build their capacity and resolve to transform their lives, households, and their communities.
A Few Current and Past Projects
- Scholarships awarded to middle and high school girls in Jonglei State, South Sudan
- Completed several girl-child education and protection projects in Jonglei State, South Sudan.
- In October 2021, we held an emergency conference in Jonglei State, South Sudan to address the education crisis due to wars in 2013 and 2016 and extensive flooding in 2021 that devastated nearly every area in Jonglei state. We implemented a series of activities with young girls and boys to build their resiliency and capacity to overcome the devastating challenges they had endured. We geared the programs towards creating a better place for vulnerable girls, boys, and women in South Sudan
- Periodically raise funds for empoverished families on the brink of marrying off an underage daughter for money in Jonglei State, South Sudan
Contact us today for more information.

Scholarship recipients